










google chrome,轻便浏览器

昨天等待一天,今天一早终于成功下载google chrome,并且,不知不觉发现chrome有替代firefox成为我的首选浏览器的趋势。

google chrome最大的特点就是轻便、简洁,一贯的google作风。关于chrome的特点,我想推荐一篇文章。我只想简单说点自己的意外。意识google chrome竟然还不能安装google toolbar,google toolbar是我在IE和firefox里最频繁使用的插件,当初放弃opera很大的原因就是因为不能用google toolbar。可能是google认为chrome已经能够很方便的使用google搜索,再说toolbar本身就是为了在别人的产品上推广自己,所以在chrome上就不必出现了。再者是google chrome的书签不支持从google bookmarks里面导入,我觉得这一点肯定是下一步改进的重点。

Google Chrome Features that are missing in your favorite Web Browser

google chrome error 
Aw, Snap! - This is the default error page of Google Chrome

Now that you have Google Chrome installed on your desktop, let's look at some of the unique features available only inside Google's Web Browser that you're seriously going to miss in other popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Apple Safari or Opera.

1. Task Manager for Websites

While you are inside Google Chrome, press Shift+Escape and it will open up a 'task manager' with a list of all websites currently open inside Chrome.

chrom task manager

This will give you an idea about how much physical memory is consumed by different websites and if any particular page is causing your system to crawl, you can do an "end process" to close that tab directly from Task Manager.

2. Visual Browser History

This is a feature Chrome borrowed from Google Desktop / Google Web History. Type Ctrl+H to open your browser history and search for a term.


In addition to matching pages, Google Chrome will also show you a small thumbnail image of that web pages in the history results. No need for any extensions.

chrome  contextual menu3. Super Clean Contextual Menus

I simply love this. You right click an hyperlink on a web page and you get only five relevant options to deal with that link.

The number comes down to four when you right click any image in Chrome. There's way too much clutter in Firefox menus.

4. Search Your Favorite Websites from the Address Bar

This is brilliant. If you visit a website that includes site search (for instance: search.labnol.org) - Chrome will automatically recognize and add that search engine for you so the next time you can perform a search on that site via the Chrome address bar itself.

chrome search

To see this in action, open cnn.com or search.labnol.org in your Chrome browser and then type cnn.com followed by the tab key to search CNN. Simple.

5. See Memory Used by Different Browsers

Open a new tab inside Chrome browser and type "about:memory" (without quotes) - somewhere at the top, you'll see a list of browser processes that are currently running on your system and the amount of memory they are using.

browser memory

5. Reopen Website tabs that you closed by mistake

Firefox 3 has this "Undo Closed Tab" option in the menu while you can open closed tabs in Opera via the Ctrl+Z shortcut.


To re-open a closed tab in Google Chrome, just hit Ctrl+T and you'll see an option that says "Recently closed tabs" - click the one you closed by accident.

6. Launch Websites from the Start Menu / Quick Launch Bar

Desktop shortcuts for web pages are possible with other browsers as well but Google Chrome make the whole flow very easy. Open any site and choose "Create application shortcut" from the File menu.


This will essentially create a desktop shortcut that looks something like this:

 C:\Users\labnol\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe   --app=http://www.labnol.org/

Clicking the shortcut will launch that web page in a new instance of Chrome that may not contain have any more new tabs.

Overall, I am pretty impressed with Chrome but I did miss support for extensions especiallyCustomize Google. Chrome lets you move tabs around different windows but I didn't find this feature very useful. I like the Firefox approach better where you can drag tabs onto the desktop and turn them into web shortcuts.

picasa web album 新增 name tag 功能

刚才关于picasa 3的试用报告里,对人脸识别功能的说法是错误的,充分显示了我的孤陋寡闻。

我将picasa web album更改到英文模式下,发现了name tag功能,这个功能应用了人脸识别技术,可以将web album照片里的人脸全部识别出来,然后用户可以根据识别出的人脸添加姓名标记。真的很好用。

yes, Picasa 3 is coming

我是一直使用picasa的,并且把picasa web album作为照片的备份存储地址。picasa是一款优秀的桌面照片处理软件,虽然照片优化功能只是入门级的,但是对于照片整理、上传等需求非常便利,但是,自从picasa被google收购后,软件的更新一直非常慢,除了2.7版本后很久没有更新了,虽然一直有传言。
最重要的,picasa增加了桌面软件和web album之间的互动,比如picasa3中对于已经上传的文件夹,在文件夹上会增加一个蓝色小球标志,这样就一目了然了,之前2.7只是对照片有已上传的箭头标志。对于已上传照片,picasa 3 增加了syc功能,在桌面软件中修改优化过的照片可以直接与web album同步。picasa 3还实现了对web album的桌面修改控制,主要是修改已上传照片的共享权限。
应该说,picasa 3 在软件界面设置上也有优化,看上去更漂亮。

picasa web album也有改变,增加了探索功能,也就是对用户已上传公开照片的一个推介页面,该页面上展示的照片都非常漂亮。以前我是觉得flickr的用户大概摄影水平更好,展示的照片更漂亮,现在看来picasa web album的用户也不差。这个探索功能,我想对于web album的用户之间的交流和picasa web album的推广是非常有利的。但是得承认,picasa web album的网络照片管理功能与flickr还是有些差距。但是picasa的优势在于有桌面软件进行联动。

对了,找picasa 3的下载费了些事,目前只有英文版。链接如下:  http://dl.google.com/picasa/picasa3-setup.exe 


google chrome,何时停止扩张脚步

google的浏览器。google的无限扩张与破灭边缘。随着google在互联网各领域的扩张,以及它自身无比强大的影响力,google一来成为竞 争企业的巨大敌人,将受到反垄断法律的审查,向微软一样。二来google掌握了用户越来越多的信息,并且正在引导用户提供越来越多的信息,这很快就会使 用户感受到威胁。如果google在用户隐私处理上稍有差池,那google的形象会马上走向反面。如果不能在成长中谨慎的保持自我约束,那么自我膨胀就 是自我毁灭的过程。是的,我仍将继续使用google,但是我已经感觉到内心越来越多的提防。